Monday, September 24, 2018


Faction: Earth Coalition
Nationality: N/A
First Figure in Colorway: Bertie Mk2
Figures in Colorway: Bertie Mk2 (1/12), Dropcloth Mk1 (1/6, 1/12), Dropcloth Mk1.5 (1/6), Square Mk1 (1/6), Square Mk2 (1/6, 1/12), MLTA 4Square (1/6), Mighty Square (1/6), 1G Armstrong (1/6, 1/12), Caesar (1/6, 1/12), Grunt (1/6, 1/12)

EMGY (Emergency) is a private security contractor with an infamous reputation. EMGY was known for their ruthlessness and uncaring attitude towards collateral damage. They got results but at a cost.

Eventually the collateral damage got to the point where EMGY was disbanded and rebranded as MLTA (Militia) who fully embrace their paramilitary ways.

EMGY/MLTA colors are a high visibility yellow, steel gray, and some splashes of red. Decals show up in black and yellow.


Note EMGY on the chest. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
The main EMGY decal is very prominent and housed within a hexagon. This hexagon design is used for a vast majority of EMGY decals. The main hexagon image is one associated with EMGY and is defiantly a marketing tool for the company (think of Apple and their apple logo). When you see a black hexagon you think EMGY.

Also, the hexagon look might also refer to bees. The black and yellow look of EMGY already give them the look of giant bees so they might of been playing off that theme as well.

Note NYC in the hexagon in the top right.
Note TRG on the shield. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
Other then the EMGY logo you'll find NYC (New York City) and TRG (Tactical Response Group) located inside of a black or yellow hexagon.

Not the dial * to the top right of EMGY.
On the Square Mk1 one of the decals is Dial * (asterisk/star). When calling EMGY for service one might need to dial an asterisk for further options or to call up EMGY's TRG.

Note Zone 36 on the shield.
All of the EMGY units sport a number on them. Some have zone preceding them or are just stand alone numbers. The set of numbers seen on EMGY bots are 12, 34, and 36. These numbers refer to the zones they patrol. Similar to the precinct districts of NYC but instead referred to as zones by EMGY.

Note Man-12 on the lower body.
One oddity to this zone system is the use of Man before the number sometimes. This shows up on some of the bots. Man probably refers to Manhattan. It's unknown if the zone system and the Man system are referring to the same places or different ones.

MLTA 4Square on top of a EMGY Square Mk2.
MLTA follows the same decal pattern that EMGY did. The only changes are the name, NYC being changed to INYS (Incorporated New York State) and the number on the bot being 42 rather then then the usual 12, 34, or 36.


EMGY has a thing for sayings on their bots.

Note the saying below Zone 12.
Note the saying on the Dropcloths shield below Zone 36. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
Saying: "It will probably be ok!"

You can just feel the irony dripping off of it. Instead of "it will be ok" to reassure this saying adds in "probably" which adds uncertainty to the saying. For EMGY this makes sense as the don't seem to care all that much for the civilians they are supposed to help.

Note the saying on the bottom of the Caesar's cloth. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
Saying: "You saw nothing"

This goes back to EMGY not exactly being an honorable police/security force. They're more of a paramilitary group and would like you to remember to forgot the bad stuff they do... for your own health.

Note the saying under the Man 12 on the Bertie.
Saying: "Look the other way"

Very similar to "you saw nothing" and has the same meaning behind it for EMGY. It would be best for you to turn a blind eye to what we do.

Saying: "I won't put it in"

Think about it...


Eder (Armstrong): Scott Eder
Micah (Caesar): Unknown read world connection
Ann (Bertie): Unknown real world connection
Micah/Jordan/Eder/Lena/Dolly (Mighty Square): Call back to other bots and 3A Legionnaires who were big EMGY fans like Dolly.

Friday, September 7, 2018

BcELL Logistics

Faction: Rothchild
Nationality: N/A
First Figure in Colorway: Caesar
Figures in Colorway: Caesar (1/12), Harold (1/6, 1/12)

BcELL Logistics is a courier and transportation service that happens to be a subsidiary of Rothchild Mechanics.

Rothchild has built a monopoly around the robot manufacturing business. His company is the only one that makes them and sells them. Now what about getting those robots to his customers? That's where BcELL Logistics comes in.

BcELL is another arm of Rothchilds monopoly and one of great importance. BcELL lets Rothchild determine when and where his bots go. This gives Rothchild unparalleled power and one he needs to dictate the Great War.

Rothchild can make and break offenses, defenses, and whole campaigns with BcELL.

To no ones surprise BcELL uses Rothchild bots for security.

The company as a whole uses a simple red and white scheme. Lettering and decals show up in either white, black, or red.


Note the three circles on the chest.
A dominant decal and the main logo of BcELL Logistics is three circles ranging from large, small, and medium.

These three circles represent Earth (largest), the Moon (smallest), and Mars (medium). These are the three places that BcELL conducts it business. Earth and Mars and the battleground of the Great War while the Moon was Rothchild's own little kingdom and the previous home of Rothchild Mechanics.

Note the R and crown on the left shoulder (our right).
Note the R and crown on the left shoulder (our right).

Found on the left shoulder of the Caesar and Harold is two Rothchild Mechanics symbols. The R and the crown.

Lastly, their is the number 4. This is in relation to the depot that a BcELL bot operates out of. The ones we've seen have all been from Depot 4 in Los Angeles.


Note the Depot 4 and Los Angeles on the back of the head.
Beyond the BcELL Logistics name around the bot the only other sayings that pop up are Depot 4 and Los Angeles.

A depot is a place to store large quantities or supplies or equipment. Large logistics services have depots scattered across countries to move goods back and forth between them and then finally to the customer. BcELL is no different.

Los Angeles is located in the United States of America in the state of California. It is also its largest cities and is also home to the port of Los Angeles and is one of the United States busiest ports.

The question now is whether Depot 4 is a singular entity in Los Angeles or is it the fourth depot there? The size of Rotchild's operation points to Depot 4 being a single entity with other BcELL depots being spread across Earth and Mars and following the same number/name pattern.


Harold: Harold - It's a Harold named Harold...

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Rothchild Lunar Defense

Faction: Rothchild
Nationality: N/A
First Figure in Colorway: Armstrong
Figures in Colorway: Lunar Camo Armstrong (1/6, 1/12), Lunar Camo Square Mk1 (1/6, 1/12), Lunar Camo Mighty Square (1/6), White Engineer Armstrong (1/6, 1/12), Suicide Club Armstrong (1/6, 1/12), Shadow Guard Armstrong (1/6, 1/12), Floyd Armstrong (1/12), Monet Armstrong (1/12)

When Rothchild still had his lunar base the whole moon was patrolled by his Lunar Defense force. The Lunar Defense consisted of multiple units of 0G Armstrongs. You had Lunar Camo, White Engineer, Shadow Guard, Suicide Club, DSD, and RPG.


Note the crescent. Photo Credit: Ashila
The decal that marks an Armstrong as being apart of the Rothchild Lunar Defense is an exaggerated crescent with or without Rothchild Lunar Defense next to it. This crescent serves as the overall logo/symbol for the whole Rothchild Lunar Defense.

Note the 44 and the curling lines on the body.
Lunar Camo units are easily distinguishable do to their camo pattern and two curling lines for the units primary symbol. What exactly is this symbol? It kind of looks like a face and might be in reference the face on the southern pole of the moon or the man in the moon.

On the jump pack of the Lunar Camo units there are two circles. One of them is inside another. This probably represents that the Lunar Camo units cover all of the moon not just a specific section.

The encircled 44, like other numbers found on bots, refers to a specific unit, division, group, that it belongs to. That or this might be Lunar Camo bot 44.

Note the En on the body.
The White Engineer is sparse on decals. The only prominent decal is the En on the right side of the body and on the left shoulder. This En standing for Engineer.

Mote the Sg on the body.
Like the White Engineer the Shadow Guard is also sparse on decals. The only decal being an Sg on the right side of the body and on the left shoulder. This Sg stands for Shadow Guard.

Note the Sc.
Suicide Club also follows with sparse decals. On the right side of the body is an Sc standing for Suicide Club. This unit has this name for being disposable during a fight and that all of the bots that make up the unit are made up of the parts of destroyed Lunar Defense Armstrongs.

Note the fist and the Rothchild company symbol on the left shoulder (our right).
Unlike previous Lunar Defense units Suicide Club has prominent decal on the center of their bots. This decal being a severed first. This probably in reference to a fist raised in defiance but the severed aspect pointing to a pyrrhic defiance (this is the Suicide Club after all).

Also the Rothchild R and crown can be seen on the left shoulder. This is a little odd that it isn't found on the other Lunar Defense units. Maybe Rothchild wants you to really know it was him that lead to your death by the Suicide Club.

Note the DSD.
Following the same theme of minimal decals DSD (or Floyd) only sports a few. The most immediate ones being a large 2 and the DSD acronym. Following the theme of the moon and this bot (hint: PFloyd) DSD probably stands for Dark Side Division or something do to with the dark side of the moon. The dark side of the moon isn't actually dark and is called the far side of the moon by astronomers.

Note Rothchild personal guard on the barrel of the weapon.
The RPG unit, which stand for Rothchild Personal Guard, sports a few more decals then usual for a Lunar Defense unit. On the units chest there's the saying RPG Moon Unit Monet. This can either refer to the bot itself or possibly a whole group under the name Monet.

It would be safe to say that this unit works with Rothchilds RIP (Rothchild Internal Police) to help keep him safe. RIP for internal security and RPG for external security.


On Monet there is a saying that wraps itself around the left side of the bot: The very darkside of the moon.

Knowing there isn't a true dark side on the moon this might be in reference to Rothchild himself who's heart and soul are incredibly dark.


Regolith (Lunar Camo Armstrong): Regolith 
Maria (Lunar Camo Armstrong): Maria
Harrison (Shadow Guard Armstrong): Harrison Schmitt
Eugene (Shadow Guard Armstrong): Eugene Cernan
Harry (White Engineer Armstrong): Harry Julian Allen (maybe)
PFloyd (Floyd Armstrong): Pink Floyd
Monet (Monet Armstrong): Claude Monet (maybe)

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Peaceday Corp

Faction: Rothchild
Nationality: N/A
First Figure in Colorway: Dropcloth
Figures in Colorway: Dropcloth (1/6, 1/12), Droplcoth Mk1.5 (1/6), Square Mk1 (1/6), Square Mk2 (1/6, 1/12)

The peace day massacres would be two days of infamy in the WWR universe.

It was a first in the Great War. Both sides were becoming tired of the endless conflict that had erupted between their worlds. Leaders and the people wanted peace. Peace was made and the peace day parade was to mark the end of the war

A third party group was needed to provide security for the parade though. So the Terrans and Martins turned to Rothchild to provide this security force. This was a mistake.

Rothchild never wanted to see the war end. He wanted humanity to wipe itself out.

So to tackle this security force for the summit Rothchild scooped up the Dawn's Blade division off Mars and re-badged them as the Peaceday Corps. The Dawn's Blade division was one of the most aggressive and violent units to have served in the entire war.

To kick off the summit doves were to be released. This was the signal for the Peaceday Corps to show their true colors and intentions. They registered the doves as incoming projectiles and began opening up on everything that moved (doves included). EMGY forces would eventually stop the Peaceday Corps but the damage was already done.

Rothchild's plan had worked perfectly. The two sides blamed one another for this massacre and the war restarted.

Another summit would be called later on. The Peaceday Corp was brought back to help mend its image and the NYC TRG EMGY group was right there to make sure nothing went wrong. Everything went wrong again when the doves were released. The war then continued to rage on and the orders for new machines of war kept pouring in for Rothchild.


Note the 24 on the chest. Note the dove and PD on the cloth.
The most prominant decals on Peaceday bots are the dove, PD, and 24.

The 24 probably refers to the Dawn's Blade division. Outside of the WWR universe the first Peaceday Dropcloths were sold on December 24th.

The dove is a symbol of peace and is very fitting for a force providing security on a day of peace.

The PD stands for Peace Day.
Note the severed v sign hand on the left shoulder (our right). Photo Credit: Moldie13
One eerie decal on the peaceday bots is a severed v sign hand. The v sign began it's use in World War Two to represent victory. It was later used as a peace symbol. This symbol fits in with it's peace theme but the severed hand aspect points to something more sinister. It might be an original Dawn's Blade decal or maybe Rothchild just liked the irony of the symbol. That or he was getting very literal with the a severed peace between the Martians and Terrans.

Friday, May 18, 2018

African Defense

Faction: Martian Sympathizer
Nationality: German
First Colorway Appearance: Armstrong
Figures in Colorway: Armstrong (1/12), Heavy Bramble (1/6, 1/12)

Africa was the most violent and intense theater of the Great War. Africa was divided nearly in half (vertically) between the Earth Coalition and Martian forces. Germany and its African Defense force were originally part of the EC but that all changed when Germany and its military became the first Martian Sympathizers.

African Defense force doesn't have any direct ties to the real world. The closest would be the Afrika Korps.

The bots (all two of them) that make up the African Defense don't share similar color schemes. They share similar decals but both take on different looks based around animal stripes and spots. This gives African Defense a more haphazard and non-uniform look. Its also a definite theme with the bots using animal like camouflage.

The Heavy Bramble sports red, yellow, and grey as it's primary colors. It also has tiger like stripes covering sections of its body. The Armstrong's main colors are brown and black and has hyena like spots covering its main body. Decals for both come in white and black.


Note the AD09 on the arm
Note the AD on the body and the 09 on the right shoulder (our left)
Found on both the Armstrong and Heavy Bramble is an AD09 decal. A variation of this can be found on the Armstrong with AD and the 09 being separated on the front of the bot (AD on the body and 09 on the right shoulder). The 09 without the AD can be seen on the Heavy Bramble as well. The AD stands for African Defense and the 09 might refer to the specific unit the bots are apart of in the African Defense as a whole.

Note the black cross on the launcher
Note the black cross on the body

Another common decal on both African Defense bots is the balkenkreuz (black cross with white border or just the flanks themselves). The balkenkreuz (English: Balkan's Cross) came about in WW1 when it was used on German aircraft and was further refined in WW2 when it became a common symbol across German forces.

There are two different balkenkreuzs on the Armstrong. They are both the standard balkenkreuz with a black cross surrounded by a white borders. The first is a balkenkreuz with thick white borders on the front of the Armstrong. On the Armstrong's jump pack their is a balkenkreuz with a thin white border. Luftwaffe aircraft from WW2 also sported these same balkenkreuz seen on the Armstrong (fitting for the bot that rocket jumps across the battlefield).

The Heavy Bramble is sporting a variation of the balkenkreuz. It has the black cross but thick white border is absent and the cross flanks are white instead of black.

Note the four lines on top of the jump pack
Note the four lines on the right shoulder
Both the Armstrong and Heavy Bramble sport four lines on multiple areas on their bodies. This might look familiar as they are the hooks of the swastika with the main cross missing.

This raises a number of questions for the WWR universe. Is the Nazi party still around? WW2 must of gone a lot differently then (it already kind of has if Germany has forces working outside of its borders like the AD). Does this similar but different symbol refer to a change of some sorts? Questions like this are a little too big answer with a colorway breakdown (might be a future article talking about specific and interesting aspects of difference from the WWR world and ours).

Note the skull spitting bullets
Note the white hand on the main body armor
Both bots have one very distinct and very different decals on them.

The Heavy Bramble has a white severed hand with its fingers slightly flexed (like its trying to grip something. In a way it bears similarities to a zombie hand (you know the one coming out of the grave or is cut off). This might be a symbol of defiance against the EC.

The Armstrong sports a skull that is spitting bullets out its mouth. This might be in reference to death from above (the Armstrong is a semi-flyable bot). It could also be connected to Totenkopf and the use of death's head symbols in the German military in WW2 (are we the bad guys?).


Note freiheit on the launcher
Note the saying on the chest plate

On the launcher and on the left chest plate of the Heavy Bramble is the word freiheit. This is German for freedom.

Also on the chest plate below freiheit: um jeden preis. When put together with freiheit this translates into: Freedom at any price.

With the African Defense being a Martian Sympathizer force this is probably in reference to freedom for the EC. For the African Defense it seems they are more then willing to lay down their lives to help the Martians win or stop the fighting.


Armstrong: Fridel - No real world connections

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dutch Merc

Photo Credit: Ron from AFP
Faction: Mercenary
Nationality: Dutch
First Colorway Appearance: Bertie Mk2 and Square Mk1
Figures in Colorway: Bertie Mk2 (1/12), Square Mk1 (1/12),  Bertie Mk3 Mode A (1/6, 1/12), Caesar (1/6, 1/12), Mighty Square (1/6)

(Editor note: This colorway breakdown is brought to you by 3A legion member Gar.)

Zwarte Torens or Black Towers in English is a Private Dutch Mercenary group without affiliation to the Netherlands or any of the fighting forces in the World War Robot universe.  It has no historical reference in the Netherlands. Dutch Mercs are mostly hired guns for private interest. They hardly do any military stuff.

This colorway came into existence in the WWR universe based on a discussion about Dutch mercenaries on the old 3A toys hyperboard forum.

Zwarte Torens is the 4th time a Mercenary was shown in the WWR universe. First was a 1/6 scale Gatling gun Merc prototype Bramble Mk2 which was never released, but later revised in 1/12 scale as the Italian Merc Nero4. The other was the retailer exclusive 1/6 Merc Square Mk1.

Zwarte Torens main colors are warm yellow for the dome and a mostly metallic copper colored body.

Some limbs are in yellow or white. Except for the Squares which are mostly copper for the 1/12 Square Mk1 and yellow for the Mighty Square.

All robots are heavily weathered.


Note the giant Zs.
Most prominent on all Dutch Mercs is a large white circle with a "Z" on the right bottom side, placed just under the central or right eye censor of the robots. This circle with "Z" also returns on the right arm of the robots, on top of both Squares and in black on the left shoulder of the Bertie MK3A and Caesar.

Note the lion on the apron.
Prominent on the torso of the Berties is a white heraldic Dutch Lion with its tongue out, which also has a historical link to many territorial arms which bare a lion in the Low Countries of Europe, like various Dutch Provinces and Noble Houses of the Middle Ages and later on. On the Caesar the lion has been relocated in black to the shield on the right shoulder and the apron. It also appears in yellow over the full side panels on the right side of Mighty Square and on both sides in white on the tiny 1/12 Square.

Note MEL on the leg.
Note the 46 in the white circle. Photo Credit: Gar
Other returning decals are a black circle with the text MEL on all robots except the squares and a white circle with the number 46 on Bertie Mk3 and Mighty Square.

Both MEL and 46 haven't any specific meaning in the Netherlands.

Note the flag on the arm.

Note the flag on the canister. Photo Credit: Gar
The Bertie Mk3 also sports a Dutch red, white, and blue tricolor flag on its left arm. It returned on Mighty Square on the tank on its back.

(Editor note: On the Bertie Mk3 when the arm is rotated forward the flag changes from the Dutch flag to the French flag. In reference to Mata Hari being Dutch and being a double agent for the French during WW1.) 


Note Gevaar on the canister and Zwarte Torens on the head.
Dutch Merc Caesar also has the word "gevaar" on the canister on his back, which means "danger".

Also, as mentioned before, Zwarte Torens is Dutch for Black Towers.

Bertie Mk3: Sports the name Mata Hari which was the stage name of Margaretha Geertruida (Griet) Zelle. A Dutch exotic dancer which was convicted and executed by the French in 1917 for being a spy for Germany during World War 1.
Caesar and Mighty Square: Harpertszoon - Probably refers to "Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp" a Dutch navy Admiral during the Dutch golden age who defeated the Spanish Navy during the Battle of the Downs.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

7th Division

Faction: Earth Coalition
Nationality: New United Kingdom
First Colorway Appearance: Harold
Figures in Colorway: Harold (1/6, 1/12)

The 7th Division of the New United Kingdom is a desert based group. Their decals are steeped in real world history (which we'll explore in a second).

The main colors of the 7th Division is orange. Weathering is brown and black. Decals are either black or white.


Note the ghost looking thing in the center of the body
The first decal to really catch the eye is the ghost maker. Based around a simple image of a ghost with the words ghost maker written onto it. This seems to be the divisions mascot and possibly nickname. It is also quite a morbid mascot/nickname with it basically referring to killing their enemies (nothing new though for military forces).

Note... everything!

The 7th Division have marked their bots with their division number as well as spelling it out from time to time on them as well.

The 7th Division is based on the 7th Armored Division of the UK from World War 2. Most will know this group by their nickname: The Desert Rats. The majority of decals relate to the 7th Armored Division.

The TRBK decals (column four, row one) is a shortening of Torbuk which is a city in Libya and is known for the Seige of Tobruk during World War 2. The 7th Battalion was at Tobruk during Operation Battleaxe. There is a battleaxe decal located on the back of the Harold's head (second column, last row, on the image above).

The set of initial: SMC (seen in column one, row one; column four, row one; column three, row three) are for Sir Micheal O'Moore Creagh who was the 7th Armored Division's commander from 1939 to 1941.

Type A.2 Roundel (RAF)

A variant of the British roundel (Type A.2) can be spotted all over the 7th Division Harold. This clearly marks the division as being British.

11th Division. Not the 2 and the spade.

The most interesting set of decals on the 7th Division is the spade (column 2, row four) and a large 2 (column three, row four; column four, row three). These are interesting as they have a connection to another colorway... the 11th Division. The 11th is another desert based unit and shares the spade and the large 2 along with the 7th Division. The 2 might refer to the larger corps they might serve together under. The spade might be this corps symbol as well.


Harold: Harry - Unknown real world connection but might be a connection to Prince Harry.