Friday, April 13, 2018

Dam Buster

Faction: Martian
Nationality: Noachis
First Colorway Appearance: Damn Large Martin
Figures in Colorway: Damn Large Martin (1/12)

Dam Buster was one of the first martian bots introduced into World War Robot.  Before the majority of bots had come from Terran or Rothchild groups.

Dam Busters were used all over in Europe by the Martains destroying dams. It was one of the ways the Martians sent a message back to the Terrans for messing with them.

The Dam Buster DLM is heavily rooted in real world history as the decals will show.

Like other Martian bots Dam Buster is sporting camouflage that consists of brown, grey, and olive green. Areas not covered in this camouflage are in grey, brown, or yellow.

Note... everything.
The number 617 appears on the front face plate, the meat tenderizer hands, and on the rear of the DLMs head.

This number has a direct connection to the No. 617 Squadron of the Royal Air Force. This squadron were known as the "Dam Busters" after the actions of Operation Chastise which saw this squadron targeting German dams in World War 2.

Another prominent decals on the Dam Buster DLM is the word Noachis. Noachis is a martian city, probably based in Noachis Terra (Land of Noah) on Mars. Noachis was a flashpoint before the Great War between Mars and Earth. Noachis was assaulted by the Earth Defense Force and was a turning point for Mars that saw the Mars Alone edict passed. This edict announced Mars' separation and independence from Earth.

So, the Noachis decal has two meanings behind. First for the battle of Noachis and secondly connecting to Noachis Terra. The Land of Noah makes sense for a unit that releases vast amounts of water (like the great flood). In a sense it's using the Terrans own religious mythology against them.

The biggest decal that can found on Dam Buster is the letters DB. These obviously standing for Dam Buster.

The last and most intriguing decal is a hexagon. What connection this has I do not know nor do I have a good guess.


There is an unknown Arabic saying inscribed onto the right shoulder (front and back) of the Dam Buster DLM. This goes to show how diverse Mars has become and also where non-Christians fled to with the rise of the Earth Coalition.

On the cannons of the DLM there is the saying: Take Their Breath Away. This has two meanings. The most literal being when a dam is destroyed a flood is created. Floods are known to take unsuspecting victims who drown (taking their breath away). The other meaning comes from the idea that dams are used for hydro-electrical purposes. This was the mission of the 617 Squadron during Operation Chastise taking out German dams and hurting their military production facilities. The Martians might have the same idea when combating the EC.

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