Saturday, June 2, 2018

Peaceday Corp

Faction: Rothchild
Nationality: N/A
First Figure in Colorway: Dropcloth
Figures in Colorway: Dropcloth (1/6, 1/12), Droplcoth Mk1.5 (1/6), Square Mk1 (1/6), Square Mk2 (1/6, 1/12)

The peace day massacres would be two days of infamy in the WWR universe.

It was a first in the Great War. Both sides were becoming tired of the endless conflict that had erupted between their worlds. Leaders and the people wanted peace. Peace was made and the peace day parade was to mark the end of the war

A third party group was needed to provide security for the parade though. So the Terrans and Martins turned to Rothchild to provide this security force. This was a mistake.

Rothchild never wanted to see the war end. He wanted humanity to wipe itself out.

So to tackle this security force for the summit Rothchild scooped up the Dawn's Blade division off Mars and re-badged them as the Peaceday Corps. The Dawn's Blade division was one of the most aggressive and violent units to have served in the entire war.

To kick off the summit doves were to be released. This was the signal for the Peaceday Corps to show their true colors and intentions. They registered the doves as incoming projectiles and began opening up on everything that moved (doves included). EMGY forces would eventually stop the Peaceday Corps but the damage was already done.

Rothchild's plan had worked perfectly. The two sides blamed one another for this massacre and the war restarted.

Another summit would be called later on. The Peaceday Corp was brought back to help mend its image and the NYC TRG EMGY group was right there to make sure nothing went wrong. Everything went wrong again when the doves were released. The war then continued to rage on and the orders for new machines of war kept pouring in for Rothchild.


Note the 24 on the chest. Note the dove and PD on the cloth.
The most prominant decals on Peaceday bots are the dove, PD, and 24.

The 24 probably refers to the Dawn's Blade division. Outside of the WWR universe the first Peaceday Dropcloths were sold on December 24th.

The dove is a symbol of peace and is very fitting for a force providing security on a day of peace.

The PD stands for Peace Day.
Note the severed v sign hand on the left shoulder (our right). Photo Credit: Moldie13
One eerie decal on the peaceday bots is a severed v sign hand. The v sign began it's use in World War Two to represent victory. It was later used as a peace symbol. This symbol fits in with it's peace theme but the severed hand aspect points to something more sinister. It might be an original Dawn's Blade decal or maybe Rothchild just liked the irony of the symbol. That or he was getting very literal with the a severed peace between the Martians and Terrans.

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