Monday, September 24, 2018


Faction: Earth Coalition
Nationality: N/A
First Figure in Colorway: Bertie Mk2
Figures in Colorway: Bertie Mk2 (1/12), Dropcloth Mk1 (1/6, 1/12), Dropcloth Mk1.5 (1/6), Square Mk1 (1/6), Square Mk2 (1/6, 1/12), MLTA 4Square (1/6), Mighty Square (1/6), 1G Armstrong (1/6, 1/12), Caesar (1/6, 1/12), Grunt (1/6, 1/12)

EMGY (Emergency) is a private security contractor with an infamous reputation. EMGY was known for their ruthlessness and uncaring attitude towards collateral damage. They got results but at a cost.

Eventually the collateral damage got to the point where EMGY was disbanded and rebranded as MLTA (Militia) who fully embrace their paramilitary ways.

EMGY/MLTA colors are a high visibility yellow, steel gray, and some splashes of red. Decals show up in black and yellow.


Note EMGY on the chest. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
The main EMGY decal is very prominent and housed within a hexagon. This hexagon design is used for a vast majority of EMGY decals. The main hexagon image is one associated with EMGY and is defiantly a marketing tool for the company (think of Apple and their apple logo). When you see a black hexagon you think EMGY.

Also, the hexagon look might also refer to bees. The black and yellow look of EMGY already give them the look of giant bees so they might of been playing off that theme as well.

Note NYC in the hexagon in the top right.
Note TRG on the shield. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
Other then the EMGY logo you'll find NYC (New York City) and TRG (Tactical Response Group) located inside of a black or yellow hexagon.

Not the dial * to the top right of EMGY.
On the Square Mk1 one of the decals is Dial * (asterisk/star). When calling EMGY for service one might need to dial an asterisk for further options or to call up EMGY's TRG.

Note Zone 36 on the shield.
All of the EMGY units sport a number on them. Some have zone preceding them or are just stand alone numbers. The set of numbers seen on EMGY bots are 12, 34, and 36. These numbers refer to the zones they patrol. Similar to the precinct districts of NYC but instead referred to as zones by EMGY.

Note Man-12 on the lower body.
One oddity to this zone system is the use of Man before the number sometimes. This shows up on some of the bots. Man probably refers to Manhattan. It's unknown if the zone system and the Man system are referring to the same places or different ones.

MLTA 4Square on top of a EMGY Square Mk2.
MLTA follows the same decal pattern that EMGY did. The only changes are the name, NYC being changed to INYS (Incorporated New York State) and the number on the bot being 42 rather then then the usual 12, 34, or 36.


EMGY has a thing for sayings on their bots.

Note the saying below Zone 12.
Note the saying on the Dropcloths shield below Zone 36. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
Saying: "It will probably be ok!"

You can just feel the irony dripping off of it. Instead of "it will be ok" to reassure this saying adds in "probably" which adds uncertainty to the saying. For EMGY this makes sense as the don't seem to care all that much for the civilians they are supposed to help.

Note the saying on the bottom of the Caesar's cloth. Photo Credit: RadToyReview
Saying: "You saw nothing"

This goes back to EMGY not exactly being an honorable police/security force. They're more of a paramilitary group and would like you to remember to forgot the bad stuff they do... for your own health.

Note the saying under the Man 12 on the Bertie.
Saying: "Look the other way"

Very similar to "you saw nothing" and has the same meaning behind it for EMGY. It would be best for you to turn a blind eye to what we do.

Saying: "I won't put it in"

Think about it...


Eder (Armstrong): Scott Eder
Micah (Caesar): Unknown read world connection
Ann (Bertie): Unknown real world connection
Micah/Jordan/Eder/Lena/Dolly (Mighty Square): Call back to other bots and 3A Legionnaires who were big EMGY fans like Dolly.

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