Thursday, March 29, 2018


Faction: Fallen (Barguest)
Nationality: N/A
First Colorway Appearance: RPG Bramble
Figures in Colorway: RPG Bramble (1/12), Heavy Bramble (1/6, 1/12), Caesar (1/6, 1/12), Harold (1/6, 1/12), Mighty Square (1/6)

Once upon a time we didn't know what faction Gravedigger belonged to. There were no decals marking it as a Martian or Terran bot. However, with Barguest's arrival (and a little help from Ash) the Gravedigger group was revealed as Barguest's force.

Gravedigger's colors are black with an ash overcoat and rust. Decals come in either white (predominantly) or black.


Note that big G
The easiest and most prominent decal on any Gravedigger robot is the Gothic G. The G itself standing for Gravedigger.

As for what a gravedigger is... well they are people who dig graves. Quite an ominous and creepy name for a military group. The majority of decals follow this theme of grave digging and death.

Note the Xs on the launcher

Note X on hand
Note X on shirt
The one decal that doesn't follow the theme of graves and death is an X. Every bot with hands has the X on their right hand in either black or white. It can also be found on other areas of a bot in white or black.

At first one would think this might be a straight edge X (I first did before Barguest was a thing). However, the X is connected to Barguest who sports a very similar looking X to those found on Gravedigger bots.
Note the spade
The spade is another staple decal. A spade is for digging up dirt. How appropriate for the group known as Gravedigger having a symbol of the most important tool for digging a grave. That is the most literal way of looking at it. It is important to note that the spade does have the characteristic look of the spade symbol found on a deck of cards. The ace of spades is known in folklore/legend as the death card.

Note 97 on left shoulder (our right)
Note DG097 on right chest plate (our left)
The last set of decals is the number 97 and the string of letters and numbers DG097. Probably just identification numbers


Note saying "Counting bodies like sheep..."
Counting bodies like sheep is a rather bleak saying. There is saying that one death is a tragedy but a million is a statistic. The deaths are just numbers instead of being people. Similar in a sense to counting sheep to fall asleep. They just become numbers.

This saying has a real world connection with the songs Pet and Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of The War Drums by A Perfect Circle.

Note Worm Food on right shoulder (our left)
Finally, we have the saying worm food. In its most literal sense it is referring to the dead which are worm food. Worm food itself is a saying used in place of dead or passed away

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